I believe one day INDONESIA will be big country because we have many precious things.
Is that Yerrusalem? Absolutely NOT, that place is one of city in Indonesia, BATAM exactly.
Turki Mosque? No No.. Its Masjid An Nur in PEKANBARU
Monaco? NO! Bitung, NORTH SULAWESI
Japan? Nope! East Hall in Institute of Technology Bandung
Europe? Of course NOT! That's Cartenz Pyramid, one of the highest peaks on Mount Jayawijaya, PAPUA
Bahama? Hmm.. NO again, its BALIKPAPAN
New Zealand? One of place in Bromo Mountain
Hongkong? Haha.. CBD Pluit JAKARTA (Indonesia Capital)
European Street? Hmm.. No guys! Thats near Singkarak Lake, SUMATRA
Australia or New Zealand? Not True! Toba Lake, SUMATRA
Africa Nation Park? haha.. No and No! Its Baluran Nation Park, EAST JAVA
Miami? NO! Behind of Balikpapan Plaza, EAST KALIMANTAN
Jurassic Park area for movie? lol, of course NOT! Thats FLORES
Golden Gate Bridge San Fransisco? Noooo! Suramadu Bridge, MADURA ISLAND
Bahama Street? A way to Meulaboh Island, ACEH
Japan or Dutch? Still in Indonesia, its Pekanbaru Library. There is no electric pole around there.
Arc De Triomphe Paris? haha.. Its Pare, EAST JAVA
bonus pic (lol) :
its ME haha..
Carribea? No, its Riau Islands, SUMATRA
Africa Again? No Again.. hehe.. Its Comodo Island
Colloseum? hha.. its in Cisarua, WEST JAVA
Golden Gate America? NO! Its one of bridge in Tenggarong, EAST KALIMANTAN
Dutch Cemetry? Yup you right now, but its still in Indonesia (Jakarta)
Vietnam or China? No, its in Semarang Pagoda. Ive been there last year.
Yunani? Losari Beach, Makassar, SULAWESI
Pukat Island Thailand? No, its in Karimun Jawa Island
Liang Beach, Maluku. What a fantastic beach!
Palembang, SUMATRA
Parakusumo, YOGYAKARTA
Vihara Mahayana, Pematang Siantar, SUMATRA
Thailand? Hmm.. NO! Cap Gho Meh Celebration, Singkawang, WEST KALIMANTAN
Manhattan? haha.. Its in one of book store in Jakarta
How do you think now about my country? Dont worry to visit INDONESIA :)